Month: October 2021

November 1–7, 2021 Come, Follow Me Songs

“A Voice of Gladness for the Living and the Dead”

Doctrine and Covenants 125-128

The Lord wants me to care for my family. (Doctrine and Covenants 126)

  1. How Dear to God Are Little Children CS180
  2. *I Am a Child of God H301, CS2
  3. *Teach Me to Walk in the Light CS177, H304
  4. Fathers CS209
  5. Mother, Tell Me the Story CS204

The Lord knows my joys and sorrows. (Doctrine and Covenants 127:2-4)

  1. How Firm a Foundation H85
  2. Come unto Him H114 
  3. *Jesus Is Our Loving Friend CS58
  4. I Know that My Savior Loves Me
    • Sacred Music App, Additional Songs for Children
    • Sheet Music
    • Click on the green play button next to the title to listen online 
  5. Always (2020 Youth Album)

“Whatsoever you record on earth shall be recorded in heaven” and “The salvation of my ancestors is essential to my salvation.” (Doctrine and Covenants 127:5-8; 128:1-25)

  1. Families Can Be Together Forever CS188, H300 
  2. Family History—I Am Doing It CS94
  3. The Hearts of the Children CS92 
  4. Truth from Elijah CS90 
  5. Holy Temples on Mount Zion H289
  6. How Beautiful Thy Temples, Lord H288 
  7. Lord, Accept into Thy Kingdom H236, especially verse 3
  8. Rise, Ye Saints, and Temples Enter H287 
  9. The Glorious Gospel Light Has Shown H283, especially verses 2-4
  10. Turn Your Hearts H291 

*These songs are especially appropriate for young children. For a topical index of more Primary Songs that are great for young children, see the Ideas page.

For suggestions about how to use this music list, see the Ideas page.

October 25–31, 2021 Come, Follow Me Songs

“A House unto My Name”

Doctrine and Covenants 124

“I can be a disciple whom the Lord trusts” and “The Lord delights in integrity.” (Doctrine and Covenants 124:12-21)

  1. I Believe in Being Honest CS149 
  2. I Pledge Myself to Love the Right CS161 
  3. I Will Be Valiant CS162  (also Commandments)
  4. If the Savior Stood Beside Me
  5. The Things I Do CS170 (also Welcome)

The Lord wants me to welcome and accept others. (Doctrine and Covenants 124:22-24, 60-61)

  1. *We Are Different CS263
  2. Every Star Is Different CS142
  3. We Welcome You CS256
  4. Treat Everyone With Love (2016 Youth Album)

The Lord commands us to build temples so we can receive sacred ordinances. (Doctrine and Covenants 124:25-45, 55)

  1. I Love to See the Temple CS95 
  2. Teach Me About the Temple 
  3. Rise, Ye Saints, and Temples Enter H287
  4. Holy Temples on Mount Zion H289

The Lord will bless those who strive to obey His commandments. (Doctrine and Covenants 124:45-55)

  1. *Keep the Commandments H303, CS146
  2. *I Want to Live the Gospel CS148
  3. True to the Faith H254 (also Disciple)
  4. Choose the Right H239

The Lord desires to give me specific counsel for my life. (Doctrine and Covenants 124:84-118)

  1. Dearest Children, God Is Near You H96, especially verses 1 & 3    
  2. *Teach Me to Walk in the Light CS177, H304
  3. Tell Me, Dear Lord CS176 

*These songs are especially appropriate for young children. For a topical index of more Primary Songs that are great for young children, see the Ideas page.

For suggestions about how to use this music list, see the Ideas page.

October 18–24, 2021 Come, Follow Me Songs

“O God, Where Art Thou?”

Doctrine and Covenants 121-123

Adversity can “be for [my] good.” (Doctrine and Covenants 121:1-10, 23-33; 122)

Many of the hymns in the “Prayer and Supplication” section of the Hymns would be appropriate for this topic. See especially hymns 97-129.

  1. How Firm a Foundation H85, especially verses 4-5 
  2. Abide with Me! H166 
  3. Lean on My Ample Arm H120 (also Descended)
  4. Nearer, Dear Savior, to Thee H99 
  5. Listening (2020 Youth Album)

We can access the “powers of heaven.” (Doctrine and Covenants 121:34-46)

  1. The Priesthood of Our Lord H320 
  2. Come Along, Come Along H244 
  3. School Thy Feelings H336, especially verses 1, 2, and 5
  4. The Holy Ghost CS105 
  5. Kindness Begins with Me CS145 

Jesus Christ has descended below all things. (Doctrine and Covenants 122)

  1. Where Can I Turn for Peace? H129 
  2. O Savior, Thou Who Wearest a Crown H197 
  3. I Stand All Amazed H193
  4. Gethsemane (Hoffman-Hoffman)
  5. Help Us, O God, to Understand CS73 

“Let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power.” (Doctrine and Covenants 123)

  1. Let Us All Press On H243 
  2. As Zion’s Youth in Latter Days H256 (also Adversity)
  3. Come, Come, Ye Saints H30 (also Adversity)
  4. Though Deepening Trials H122 (also Adversity)
  5. *Go the Second Mile CS167

*These songs are especially appropriate for young children. For a topical index of more Primary Songs that are great for young children, see the Ideas page.

For suggestions about how to use this music list, see the Ideas page.