Month: July 2022

August 1–7, 2022 Come, Follow Me Songs

“Yet Will I Trust in Him”

Job 1–3; 12–14; 19; 21–24; 38–40; 42

My trust in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can help me remain faithful in all circumstances. (Job 1–3; 12–13)

  1. The Lord Is My Light H89
  2. Cast Thy Burden upon the Lord H110 
  3. He Is There (March 2022 Friend, by Pinborough/Howe)
  4. I’ll Stand Tall (January 2016 Friend, by Pinborough/Perry)

Our words can strengthen others in their grief. (Job 16:1–5)

  1. Have I Done Any Good? H223
  2. A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief H29
  3. Good Friends (2013 Mutual Album)
    • Sacred Music App, Youth Music
    • Listen (Strength of Youth)
  4. Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words H232
  5. *A Special Gift is Kindness CS145

Jesus Christ is my Redeemer. (Job 19)

  1. I Know That My Redeemer Lives H136
  2. My Redeemer Lives H135
  3. He Died That We Might Live Again CS65
  4. *Jesus Is Our Loving Friend CS58B

“When he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.” (Job 21–24)

  1. Does the Journey Seem Long? H127 (also Trust)
  2. How Firm a Foundation H85, especially verse 5 (also Trust, Perspective)
  3. Dust (2022 Youth Album)

God’s perspective is greater than mine. (Job 38; 40; 42)

  1. Though Deepening Trials H122 (also Trust)
  2. How Great Thou Art H86 (not available online due to copyright)
  3. I Will Follow God’s Plan CS164 (also Trust)
  4. *God Is Watching Over All CS229 (not available online due to copyright restrictions)

*These songs are especially appropriate for young children. For a topical index of more Primary Songs that are great for young children, see the Ideas page.

For suggestions about how to use this music list, see the Ideas page.

July 25–31, 2022 Come, Follow Me Songs

“Thou Art Come … for Such a Time as This”


The Lord can make me an instrument to bless others. (Esther)

  1. I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go H270
  2. Have I Done Any Good? H223
  3. Brightly Beams Our Father’s Mercy H335
  4. A Great Work (2021 Youth Album)

I can help family members in times of trial. (Esther 2:5–7)

  1. Nothing Can Separate Us (2016 Youth Album)
  2. My Eternal Family (also Happiness, Eternally)
  3. As a Child of God
  4. Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth H298

Pride and anger can lead to downfall. (Esther 3; 5:9–14; 7)

  1. Lift Me Up, Lord Jesus (Submitted Solos, by Nathan Howe)
  2. Lead, Kindly Light H97
  3. Should You Feel Inclined to Censure H235
  4. School Thy Feelings H336

Fasting demonstrates my dependence on the Lord. (Esther 3–4; 5:2–3; 8:11–12)

  1. Bless Our Fast, We Pray H138
  2. In Fasting We Approach Thee H139
  3. We Give Thee But Thine Own H218
  4. Fasting (Submitted Music for Children, by Annette Dickman)

Doing the right thing often requires great courage. (Esther 3:1–11; 4:10–17; 5:1–4)

  1. I’ll Stand Tall (January 2016 Friend, by Pinborough/Perry)
  2. Nephi’s Courage CS120, especially verse 3 (also Direction)
  3. Dare to Do Right CS158 
  4. Do what is right H237

*These songs are especially appropriate for young children. For a topical index of more Primary Songs that are great for young children, see the Ideas page.

For suggestions about how to use this music list, see the Ideas page.

July 18–24, 2022 Come, Follow Me Songs

“I Am Doing a Great Work”

Ezra 1; 3–7; Nehemiah 2; 4–6; 8

The Lord inspires people to bring about His purposes. (Ezra 1)

  1. I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go H270 (also Work)
  2. The Still Small Voice CS106 
  3. Listen, Listen CS107
  4. Let the Holy Spirit Guide H143
  5. The Light Divine H305 

Temples can bring me joy. (Ezra 3:8–13; 6:16–22)

  1. Rejoice, Ye Saints of Latter Days H290
  2. I Love to See the Temple CS95
  3. How Beautiful Thy Temples, Lord H288
  4. We Love Thy House, O God H247
  5. High on the Mountain Top H5

I can help the work of God advance despite opposition. (Ezra 4–6; Nehemiah 2; 4; 6)

  1. Have I Done Any Good? H223
  2. Nephi’s Courage CS120
  3. Called to Serve H249 or CS174
  4. Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel H252 
  5. I Will Be Valiant CS162

I am blessed when I study the scriptures. (Ezra 7; Nehemiah 8)

  1. Search, Ponder, and Pray CS109
  2. *Scripture Power
  3. As I Search the Holy Scriptures H277
  4. Thy Holy Word H279
  5. Liken the Scriptures (Shawna Edwards)

*These songs are especially appropriate for young children. For a topical index of more Primary Songs that are great for young children, see the Ideas page.

For suggestions about how to use this music list, see the Ideas page.