Month: July 2022

July 11–17, 2022 Come, Follow Me Songs

“He Trusted in the Lord God of Israel”

2 Kings 17–25

I can stay true to the Lord during challenging times. (2 Kings 18–19)

Note: see also Hymns 99-130. Many of these emphasize relying on the Lord for comfort, direction, and strength.

  1. Come, Come Ye Saints H30, H326
  2. I Will Walk with Jesus
  3. He Is There (March 2022 Friend, by Pinborough/Howe)
  4. I’ll Stand Tall (January 2016 Friend, by Pinborough/Perry)
  5. Does the Journey Seem Long? H127
  6. Though Deepening Trials H122 

I can turn to the Lord when I have difficult problems or questions. (2 Kings 19:14–19)

Note: see also Hymns 99-130. Many of these emphasize relying on the Lord for comfort, direction, and strength.

  1. Did You Think to Pray? H140
  2. *I Need My Heavenly Father CS18
  3. A Child’s Prayer CS12
  4. Come Unto Him H114 

All things are in the Lord’s hands. (2 Kings 19:20–37)

Note: see also Hymns 99-130. Many of these emphasize relying on the Lord for comfort, direction, and strength.

  1. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God H68
  2. God of Our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand H78
  3. *God Is Watching Over All CS229 (not available online due to copyright restrictions)
  4. He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands
  5. God Speed the Right H106

The scriptures can turn my heart to the Lord. (2 Kings 21–23)

  1. Search, Ponder, and Pray CS109
  2. *Scripture Power
  3. As I Search the Holy Scriptures H277
  4. Oh, Holy Words of Truth and Love H271
  5. Thy Holy Word H279

*These songs are especially appropriate for young children. For a topical index of more Primary Songs that are great for young children, see the Ideas page.

For suggestions about how to use this music list, see the Ideas page.

July 4–10, 2022 Come, Follow Me Songs

“There Is a Prophet in Israel”

2 Kings 2–7

God can work miracles in my life. (2 Kings 2–6)

  1. Master the Tempest is Raging H105
  2. Miracles
  3. The Miracle

The Lord supports and strengthens those called to serve in his church. (2 Kings 2:1–14)

  1. Called to Serve H249 or CS174
  2. Let Us All Press On H243 
  3. Come, Sing to the Lord H10, especially verse 3
  4. The Priesthood of Our Lord H320

The words of the Lord through His prophets will be fulfilled. (2 Kings 4:8–17; 7:1–16)

  1. The Seventh Article of Faith CS126 (also Heal)
  2. We Listen to a Prophet’s Voice H22
  3. Follow the Prophet CS110

If I am humble and obedient, Jesus Christ can heal me. (2 Kings 5)

  1. Healer (2022 Youth Album)
  2. Come, Ye Disconsolate H115
  3. Ask of God (2017 Youth Album)
  4. Isaiah Says (from The Friend magazine) (also Fulfilled)

We are blessed by being honest. (2 Kings 5:20–27)

  1. *I Need My Heavenly Father CS18 (also Heal)
  2. I Pledge Myself to Love the Right CS161
  3. Choose the Right H239

“They that be with us are more than they that be with them.” (2 Kings 6:8–23)

  1. Up, Awake, Ye Defenders of Zion H248
  2. The Lord Is My Shepherd H108, H316, especially verse 2
  3. O God, Our Help in Ages Past H31

*These songs are especially appropriate for young children. For a topical index of more Primary Songs that are great for young children, see the Ideas page.

For suggestions about how to use this music list, see the Ideas page.