
February 24 – March 1, 2020 Come, Follow Me Songs

Jesus reaching out to take a young woman by the hand

“A Marvelous Work and a Wonder”

2 Nephi 26-30

Jesus Christ invites all to come unto Him

  1. Reverently and Meekly Now H185
  2. Come Unto Jesus H117
  3. Come, Follow Me H116
  4. I Will Walk with Jesus, Additional Songs for Children (in Sacred Music app)

Satan seeks to deceive

  1. Follow the Prophet CS110, especially verses 3, 5, 7, and 9
  2. Nephi’s Courage CS120, especially verse 3
  3. The Time Is Far Spent H266, verse 4
  4. As Zion’s Youth in Latter Days H256, verse 2
  5. I’m a Pilgrim, I’m a Stranger H121

God continues to give revelation to guide His children

  1. The Ninth Article of Faith CS128
  2. Tell Me, Dear Lord CS176
  3. As I Search the Holy Scriptures H277
  4. Oh, Holy Words of Truth and Love H271

God prepared the Book of Mormon for our day

  1. An Angel Came to Joseph Smith CS86
  2. An Angel from on High H13

Jesus Christ manifests Himself through the Holy Ghost

  1. I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus CS78 (also Deceive)
  2. The Holy Ghost CS105 (also Revelation)
  3. Let the Holy Spirit Guide H143 (also Revelation)

For suggestions about how to use this music list, see the Ideas page.

February 17-23, 2020 Come, Follow Me Songs

The Second coming of Christ. Christ dressed in white, walking in the clouds, surrounded by angels with trumpets.

“We Rejoice in Christ”

2 Nephi 11-25

Believe in Christ, rejoice in Christ

  1. Redeemer of Israel H6
  2. Come, All Ye Saints Who Dwell on Earth H65
  3. Come, Rejoice H9 (especially verses 2-3)
  4. I Believe in Christ H134
  5. Beautiful Savior CS62
  6. The Church of Jesus Christ CS77
  7. I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus CS78

Dangers of Pride

  1. Should You Feel Inclined to Censure H235
  2. Follow the Prophet CS110 (verse 3)
  3. The Wise Man and the Foolish Man CS281

In the Millennium, God’s people will enjoy peace

  1. Come, Ye Children of the Lord H58
  2. Glorious Things Are Sung of Zion H48
  3. The Day Dawn Is Breaking H52 (also Temple – verse 2)
  4. When He Comes Again CS82

Temple covenants

  1. Behold, the Mountain of the Lord H54 (also Millenium – verse 3)
  2. I Love to See the Temple CS95

February 10-16, 2020 Come, Follow Me Songs

“O How Great the Plan of Our God!”

2 Nephi 6-10

The Lord is merciful to His people and will fulfill His promises

  1. Praise Ye the Lord H74, especially verses 3-6
  2. *I Am a Child of God CS2 or H301, especially verse 4

Through His Atonement, Jesus Christ delivers all people from physical and spiritual death

  1. I Stand All Amazed H193 (also Merciful)
  2. How Great the Wisdom and the Love H195 (also Merciful)
  3. O Savior, Thou Who Wearest a Crown H197  (also Merciful)
  4. He Died That We Might Live Again CS65

I can come unto Christ and receive the glorious blessings of His Atonement

  1. I Need Thee Every Hour H98
  2. Guide Me to Thee H101
  3. Come unto Jesus H117
  4. *Help Us, O God, to Understand CS73

Because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, I can “cheer up” my heart (the Atonement brings hope and joy)

  1. The Lord Is My Light H89 (also Merciful)
  2. Lean on My Ample Arm H120 (also Blessings)
  3. *Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam CS60

The Lord turns the deserts of our lives into gardens

  1. Come, Ye Disconsolate H115 (also Blessings)
  2. *I Need My Heavenly Father CS18

Place more value on the things of God and less on the things of the world

  1. We Are Marching On to Glory H225
  2. Seek the Lord Early CS108
  3. I Will Follow God’s Plan CS164

*These songs are especially appropriate for young children