“We Lived after the Manner of Happiness”
2 Nephi 1-5
I am free to choose eternal life
- I Will Follow God’s Plan CS164 (also Happiness)
- Come, All Ye Saints Who Dwell on Earth H65
- Come, Follow Me H116
The Fall and the Atonement of Jesus Christ are essential parts of Heavenly Father’s plan
- I Lived in Heaven CS4
- The Second Article of Faith CS122
- There is a Green Hill Far Away H194
- A Mighty Fortress Is Our God H68
Joseph Smith was foreordained to restore the gospel; the importance of the Book of Mormon
- The Sacred Grove CS87
- An Angel Came to Joseph Smith CS86
- Come, Sing to the Lord H10
- Now We’ll Sing with One Accord H25
I can turn to God in my weakness
- *I Need My Heavenly Father CS18 (also Happiness)
- Be Still, My Soul H124 (link not available due to copyright restrictions)
- Cast Thy Burden upon the Lord H110
- How Firm a Foundation H85 (especially verses 2, 3, 4, 5, & 7)
Happiness is found in living the gospel
*These songs are especially appropriate for young children