“I Will Prepare the Way before You”
1 Nephi 16-22
When I keep the commandments, God will help me face challenges; my choices/reactions determine results
1. Nephi’s Courage CS120
2. Choose the Right H239
3. Do What is Right H237
4. How Gentle God’s Commands H125 (also Guide)
The Lord guides me through small and simple means
5. Heavenly Father, Now I Pray CS19
6. The Still Small Voice CS106
7. Dearest Children, God is Near You H96 (also Commandments)
I can “liken all scriptures” to myself
8. Search, Ponder, and Pray CS109 (also Guide)
9. Seek the Lord Early CS108 (also Commandments)
10. As I Search the Holy Scriptures H277
Overcoming problems in family life
11. My Eternal Family, Additional Songs for Children
12. Nay, Speak No Ill H233
13. Scatter Sunshine H230 (also Lonely)
Feeling lonely or forgotten
14. I’ll Walk With You CS140
15. Abide with Me; ‘Tis Eventide H165
16. Abide with Me! H166
17. Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me H104 (also Guide)