“That Which Cometh from Above Is Sacred”
Doctrine and Covenants 63
The Lord’s anger is kindled against the wicked and rebellious. (Doctrine and Covenants 63:1–6, 32–37)
Signs come by faith and the will of God. (Doctrine and Covenants 63:7–12)
- I’ll Follow Him in Faith
- Sacred Music App, Additional Songs for Children
- Sheet Music
- Watch and Listen
- Sing-along
- God Moves in a Mysterious Way H285 (also Directs)
- Praise Ye the Lord H74, verses 4-6 (also Directs)
- His Name (2019 Youth Album)
- Sacred Music App, Youth Music
- Watch and Listen
Chastity means keeping my thoughts and actions pure. (Doctrine and Covenants 63:13–23)
- More Holiness Give Me H131, especially verse 3 (also Faith and Savior)
- Keep the Commandments H303 or CS146
- Hum Your Favorite Hymn CS152
- The Lord Gave Me a Temple CS153
The Lord directs the spiritual and temporal affairs of His Saints. (Doctrine and Covenants 63:24–46)
- Fathers CS209, especially verses 2 and 3
- I WIll Follow God’s Plan CS164
- God of Our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand H78
- Sing Praise to Him H70
I will reverence sacred things. (Doctrine and Covenants 63:58–64)
- Reverence is Love CS31
- *Our Chapel is a Sacred Place CS30
- Our Savior’s Love H113, verse 3
- O Thou Kind and Gracious Father H150 (also Wicked)
*These songs are especially appropriate for young children. For a topical index of more Primary Songs that are great for young children, see the Ideas page.
For suggestions about how to use this music list, see the Ideas page.