“God Is My Salvation”
“Cease to do evil.” (Isaiah 1; 3; 5)
- Now Let Us Rejoice H3
- Watch and Listen (General Conference)
- As Zion’s Youth in Latter Days H256
- Watch and Listen (Young Women Choir)
- Jesus is My True Light (December 2009 Friend)
- Watch and Listen (Gospel Library Sing-Along Video)
- Watch and Listen (Same as above but on YouTube)
- Sheet Music
- Dare to Do Right CS158
God will do a great work in the latter days. (Isaiah 2; 4; 11–12)
- High on the Mountain Top H5, especially verse 2
- Watch and Listen (Tabernacle Choir, Orchestra at Temple Square, and Bells on Temple Square)
- A Great Work (2021 Youth Album)
- Sacred Music App, Youth Music
- Watch and Listen (Face to Face)
- Sing-along
- Come, Sing to the Lord H10, especially verse 2
- Sing-along
- Listen (Instrumental, Jake Hansen
- Faith in Every Footstep
Prophets are called of God. (Isaiah 6)
- We Listen to a Prophet’s Voice H22
- Come, Listen to a Prophet’s Voice H21
- Oh, Holy Words of Truth and Love H271
- If I Listen with My Heart, verse 2
- Sacred Music App, Additional Songs for Children
- Sheet Music
- Sing-along
- I Heard the Prophet (from The Friend magazine)
Isaiah prophesied of Jesus Christ. (Isaiah 7–9)
- Isaiah Says (from The Friend magazine)
- Christmas songs may be appropriate when learning about Isaiah’s prophecies of the birth of Christ. They can be found in Hymns 201-214 and Children’s Songbook pp. 37-54.
“Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” (Isaiah 1:16–18)
- Gently Raise the Sacred Strain H146
- Sing-along
- Listen (Instrumental, Mark Geslison & Geoff Groberg)
- Ye Simple Souls Who Stray H118, especially verse 3
- Listen (Instrumental)
- Come unto Jesus H117
- Watch and Listen (Nashville Tribute Band)
- Watch and Listen (Tabernacle Choir)
- Help Us, O God, to Understand CS73b
- Come Unto Christ (2014 Youth Music)
- Sacred Music App, Youth Music
- Watch and Listen
- Sing-along
*These songs are especially appropriate for young children. For a topical index of more Primary Songs that are great for young children, see the Ideas page.
For suggestions about how to use this music list, see the Ideas page.