Joseph is sold into slavery

March 7–13, 2022 Come, Follow Me Songs

Call for volunteers!

While my assistant Terri and I are happy to keep producing the weekly Come, Follow Me list as-is, we also have some ideas for improvements. If you (or someone you know) would be interested in joining our all-volunteer team to work on any of the following projects, we’d love to have you! Click here to sign up.

  • Create a printable version of the weekly CFM list (30-60 min/week)
  • Create Spotify, YouTube, etc. playlists based on the weekly CFM music list (1-2 hours per week)
  • Become a regular contributor to the weekly CFM music list, freeing up time for me to work on the rest of the improvements. Also, with more contributors, we may be able to publish much further in advance (a month or more), as some have requested. (Choose to spend as little as 15 minutes or as much as 1-2 hours per week)
  • Work on the back-end of the website (intermediate/advanced WordPress experience needed), including migrating the site to a new, easier-to-remember domain name! (possibly 20 hours upfront, then a small amount of time ongoing)
  • Help catalog and tag music that’s not in the Hymns or Children’s Songbook. E.g. youth music, songs published in the church magazines, music not published by the church, etc. The goal of this is to have a topical index of all of these songs. (Time commitment could be a few minutes to hours depending on your interest and availability.)
  • Help revise and update the resources section of website (5-10 hours total, can be spread out or done all at once)
  • Make audio and/or video recordings of lesser-known hymns, songs from Church magazines (time commitment TBD
  • Improve disability accessibility for the website (e.g. making sure all pictures have alternate text, etc.) (15-20 minutes per week)
  • Establish and maintain social media pages for Music for Latter-day Life (time commitment TBD)

Click here to sign up.

Thanks for your support!


“The Lord Was with Joseph”

Genesis 37–41

I can be kind to my family; I can be happy when good things happen to others. (Genesis 37)

  1. Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth H298
  2. Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words H232
  3. Love One Another H308, CS136
  4. *Kindness Begins with Me CS145

“The Lord was with Joseph” in his adversity; If I am faithful, God will help me during difficult times. (Genesis 37:1–28; 39; 41:9–45)

  1. I Will Walk with Jesus
  2. He Is There (March 2022 Friend, by Pinborough/Howe)
  3. I’ll Stand Tall (January 2016 Friend, by Pinborough/Perry)
  4. Does the Journey Seem Long? H127
  5. Though Deepening Trials H122 

If I am faithful, the Lord will guide and inspire me. (Genesis 37:5–11; 40; 41:1–38)

  1. Nephi’s Courage CS120
  2. Let the Holy Spirit Guide H143
  3. God of Power, God of Right H20
  4. The Holy Ghost CS105 (also Temptation)
  5. The Still Small voice CS106 (also Temptation)

With the Lord’s help, I can flee temptation. (Genesis 38; 39:7–20)

  1. Jesus is My True Light (December 2009 Friend)
  2. Choose the Right H239
  3. I’m Trying to be Like Jesus CS78 (also Kind)
  4. Dare to Do Right CS158

I can prepare for whatever life may bring. (Genesis 41:15–57)

  1. Build an Ark
  2. Today, While the Sun Shines H229

*These songs are especially appropriate for young children. For a topical index of more Primary Songs that are great for young children, see the Ideas page.

For suggestions about how to use this music list, see the Ideas page.

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