The Fall of Adam and Eve
Genesis 3-4; Moses 4-5
The Fall was a necessary part of God’s plan to redeem His children. (Genesis 3:1-7; Moses 4; 5:4-12)
Agency is essential to the Plan of Salvation. (Moses 4:1-4)
- Know This, That Every Soul Is Free H240
- As a Child of God, especially verse 1 and chorus
What does it mean that Adam was to “rule over” Eve? (Genesis 3:16; Moses 4:22)
- Fathers CS209, especially verse 1
- The Family: A Proclamation to the World (Paragraph 7 set to music by Marilyn Nielson, especially measures 24-31, which begins with “By divine design, fathers are to preside … “ – see sheet music)
- Watch & Listen (minute marker from 1:21-1:43)
- Audio (piano accompaniment – no words) (minute marker from 1:10-1:30)
- Sheet Music
- The Family Is of God
- Sacred Music App, Additional Songs for Children
- Watch and Listen, especially verse 2
- Sheet Music
- Love is Spoken Here CS190
I can pray to Heavenly Father. (Moses 5:4, 8)
God will accept my sacrifices if I offer them with a willing and obedient heart. (Moses 5:4-9; 16-26)
- *“Give,” Said the Little Stream CS236
- I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go H270
- Because I Have Been Given Much H219 (only available in the printed Hymnbook due to copyright)
- Watch and Listen (Sung by Heritage Youth Chorus)
- Watch and Listen (Sung by Reprise Quartet)
The Sacrament helps me think about the Savior. (Moses 5:5-9)
- Thy Will, O Lord, Be Done H188 (also Sacrifices, Repent)
- We’ll Sing All Hail to Jesus’ Name H182 (also Sacrifices, Repent)
- The Sacrament CS72
Because of Jesus Christ, I can repent and live with God again. (Moses 5:4-15)
- Help Us, O God, to Understand CS73b
- Help Me, Dear Father CS99 verse 2
- How Great the Wisdom and the Love H195 (also Sacrifices, Sacrament)
*These songs are especially appropriate for young children. For a topical index of more Primary Songs that are great for young children, see the Ideas page.
For suggestions about how to use this music list, see the Ideas page.