Month: March 2020

March 16-22, 2020 Come, Follow Me Songs

The Lord Labors with Us

Jacob 5-7

Jesus Christ is the Lord of the vineyard

  1. Great King of Heaven H63
  2. Rejoice, the Lord Is King! H66
  3. Sing Praise to Him H70 (also Mercy)
  4. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty H72 (also Mercy)
  5. Arise, O God, and Shine H265
  6. Beautiful Savior CS62, especially verses 1 & 3

God invites me to help Him gather His children

  1. Now We’ll Sing with One Accord H25, especially verses 1 & 4 (also Vineyard)
  2. Arise, O Glorious Zion H40 (also Faith and Mercy)
  3. Thy Servants Are Prepared H261
  4. Go Forth with Faith H263
  5. We’ll Bring the World His Truth CS172
  6. I Want to Be a Missionary Now CS168

I can stand strong when others challenge my faith

  1. True to the Faith H254 (also Mercy)
  2. As Zion’s Youth in Latter Days H256
  3. Stand for the Right CS159
  4. I Will Be Valiant CS162

God extends mercy so we can repent and come unto Him

  1. Reverently and Meekly Now H185
  2. Come unto Jesus H117
  3. He Sent His Son CS34
  4. Help Me, Dear Father CS99, verse 2

For suggestions about how to use this music list, see the Ideas page.

March 9-15, 2020 Come, Follow Me Songs

Image of the Christus Statue

“Be Reconciled unto God through the Atonement of Christ”

Jacob 1-4

The Lord wants me to magnify my calling; serve diligently; 

  1. Called to Serve H249 or CS174
  2. Help Me Teach with Inspiration H281

The Lord delights in chastity

  1. More Holiness Give Me H131, especially verse 3 (also Faith and Savior)
  2. Keep the Commandments H303 or CS146
  3. A Young Man Prepared CS166
  4. The Lord Gave Me a Temple CS153

I can be reconciled to God through the Atonement of Jesus Christ

  1. Nearer, Dear Savior to Thee H99
  2. As Now We Take the Sacrament H169
  3. Help Us, O God, to Understand CS73
  4. Help Me, Dear Father CS99, verse 2

I can avoid spiritual blindness by focusing on the Savior (don’t look beyond the mark)

  1. With Humble Heart H171 (also Atonement)
  2. The Lord Is My Light H89 (also Faith)
  3. He Sent His Son CS34 (also Atonement and Faith)
  4. Beautiful Savior CS62

Seek the Kingdom of God before riches

  1. Because I Have Been Given Much H219 (only available in the printed Hymnbook due to copyright) (also Serve)
  2. Count Your Blessings H241, especially verse 3 (also Faith)
  3. *“Give,” Said the Little Stream CS236, especially verse 3 (also Serve)

Unshaken Faith in Jesus Christ

  1. God of Our Fathers, We Come unto Thee H76
  2. True to the Faith H254
  3. I Will Be Valiant CS162 (also Chastity and Kingdom and Serve you)
  4. The Church of Jesus Christ CS77

*These songs are especially appropriate for young children
For suggestions about how to use this music list, see the Ideas page.