“Be Reconciled unto God through the Atonement of Christ”
Jacob 1-4
The Lord wants me to magnify my calling; serve diligently;
- Called to Serve H249 or CS174
- Help Me Teach with Inspiration H281
The Lord delights in chastity
- More Holiness Give Me H131, especially verse 3 (also Faith and Savior)
- Keep the Commandments H303 or CS146
- A Young Man Prepared CS166
- The Lord Gave Me a Temple CS153
I can be reconciled to God through the Atonement of Jesus Christ
- Nearer, Dear Savior to Thee H99
- As Now We Take the Sacrament H169
- Help Us, O God, to Understand CS73
- Help Me, Dear Father CS99, verse 2
I can avoid spiritual blindness by focusing on the Savior (don’t look beyond the mark)
- With Humble Heart H171 (also Atonement)
- The Lord Is My Light H89 (also Faith)
- He Sent His Son CS34 (also Atonement and Faith)
- Beautiful Savior CS62
Seek the Kingdom of God before riches
- Because I Have Been Given Much H219 (only available in the printed Hymnbook due to copyright) (also Serve)
- Count Your Blessings H241, especially verse 3 (also Faith)
- *“Give,” Said the Little Stream CS236, especially verse 3 (also Serve)
Unshaken Faith in Jesus Christ
- God of Our Fathers, We Come unto Thee H76
- True to the Faith H254
- I Will Be Valiant CS162 (also Chastity and Kingdom and Serve you)
- The Church of Jesus Christ CS77
*These songs are especially appropriate for young children
For suggestions about how to use this music list, see the Ideas page.